Monday, September 16, 2024

Relay Cross 2024


We wait all year to be able to say that.  Relay Cross is a nice way to ease into the season.  Alternating laps with a partner gives you that breather you definitely need as you get your cross lungs and legs back.

Technically, George and I did a race in Wisc last weekend (with no resting between laps).  But Relay Cross is kinda like Milano San Remo is the kickoff to the spring classics.  Not really the first race but ya know...

Brad and I teamed up to do the 9am 35+ race.  Fran and George teamed up as well.  While this isn't a race we worry too much about placing, the competitive juices still flow.  Brad and I had a plan to just try and dial in more skills and keep it clean.  

The course at Jackson Park in the city was dry and flat and fast with a few power sections.  Having all done some version of the Tower Saturday ride our legs were not what they will be for the rest of the season.  (It's been fun on Saturdays.  See you next year).  

Relay Cross has a Le Mans start where one team member runs from the start line about 100 yards (meters?!) to tag the other who starts riding.  Brad and George ran while Fran and I rode first.  The first lap was crowded as usual (~25 teams) and my skills at moving up showed plenty of rust.  My hands were killing me after the first lap from all the hard braking into corners as you can only go as fast as the person in front of you if you can't find a line to pass.

I overslept and forgot my Garmin so I have no HR data.  I used my GoPro for time splits.  Best I can tell is my laps were consistent.  I also had Fran to chase down on laps 2 and three which made it fun (eg Hard).  Laps 4 and 5 I could close in on Fran.

I ended up doing 5 laps of about 6 minutes each (Brad did 4 + the run in the 60 minute race).  As the laps go on people spread out and you are more on your own.  This allows you to take the corners better and learn each lap.  I also feel like I go slower which also makes the corners easier.

George and I teamed up for the Cat 4 race at 11:15.  A quick turnaround so we ate something and drank to get ready.  I woefully under prepared for water and thanks to George and Brad for helping me out.  I needed it as it was warm out.

Again, this race was to help dial in form.  Racing is the best for of practice for CX.  But we did have a goal... to beat Barry Baston and Chris Brown.  Barry had done the earlier race with us but Chris was fresh.  

George did the run and I rode first (The benefits of a cobalt knee is I can pull out all the excuses).  There were about ~30 teams this race and it was crowded on the first lap.  I did another poor job of moving up but kept ahead of Chris (He fell down on either the 1st or third lap which helped).

This race was 45 minutes and I ended up doing 4 laps and George 3 + the run.  We were neck and neck with Barry and Chris the whole race.  Coming into the final exchange Barry had about a 1 second gap on George but Chris wasn't paying attn and in a conversation with someone else.  I could see it playing out and had to laugh. George tagged me and I was able to start just ahead of Chris.  He was on my tail the entire lap and I just kept waiting for him to try and get past me.  About a third of the way thru the lap I realized he was probably gonna sit on and then make a move later near the end of the lap.  So I didn't go too hard and protected my corners so he couldn't pass.

As we entered the last third of the lap I had to go hard.  Funny thing about adrenaline... On the lap previous I was cooked.  But with Chris right there I found a boost.  My strength in CX has always been my power (as opposed to technical ability).  So I hit the power sections hard right out of the corners to create some space.  The barriers were near the end and I flew over them (dismounting not jumping) faster than any other lap.  I didn't look back in the final straight and just pushed hard to stay ahead.

So while Relay Cross is more about practice racing there is definitely some competitiveness.  

Next week I may travel to West Lafayette for Boiler Cross with my Purdue graduate.  Then the CCC starts up on the 29th in Glenwood.  Come for the racing.  Stay for the food trucks.

First Lap of 35+

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