Monday, October 25, 2021

ABD Sunrise CX


That describes a bunch of my race on Sunday.  But mostly the last bit when I was fighting for 24th place and pushed it too hard in a corner when I didn't need to.

But let's backtrack and set the stage a little.  The race was at Sunrise Park in Bartlett which is a staple on the CCC circuit.  All week long it was calling for rain on Sunday and it didn't disappoint.  But lucky for me the rain waited until after my race and hit most of the other races.  That didn't mean my nerves were any less fried after checking the forecast every two hours for 3 days.  You see, cyclocross is meant to be in the mud.  I realize that but still don't like it.  What I've gained this year in fitness doesn't help my poor technical skills.

As we get further into the season the morning dew still makes the courses slickery even if it doesn't rain.  So, as I benefitted from a lack of rain the course still wasn't bone dry enough for me to fully succeed.

I don't want to make you read too much before giving you what you actually came here for:  I finished 25th in the 45+ race (out of 42).  Average HR was 165 with a max of 182 (the final uphill sprint).  Tire pressure was 24 in front and 26 read.  Both probably too high for the tires I was running (I ran all around tires instead of mud tires).

As all of you dedicated readers know until this year I have never cracked the top 40 in a race.  Now, I have been in the top 30 three times with 25th now being my best placement ever.  >>> Grain of salt time.  Race fields are down this year so that number might be a bit watered down.  But hey, you can only race who shows up.

As I re-watched the race video from this course in 2019 I noticed how many times I fell - much wetter course back then.  Unfortunately I was pretty on par with that same number this year.  I just can't ride an off camber turn.  I even slipped and fell when RUNNING one of those turns.  Oy Vey!

Without going into a full play-by-play (you can watch the video below if you like) I'll say I had a good start.  Actually, snuck into the 3rd row at call up.  At the gun I didn't have the greatest clip in (wrong gear too) but I made up some ground and was in the top 20 in the first few turns.  

There was a set of low barriers on this course and spaced far enough apart to be safe for us amateurs.  I practiced in warmups and cleared them and even encouraged Fran to test it.  I'll let him tell you how that went.  Needless to say after watching a couple of guys in the first race bite it at the barriers I chickened out when it came to race time  (Stupid!).  This leads me into the first lap where 3 guys passed me easily while I ran the barriers.  Ugh.

Also during that first lap I took a left turn and in the middle of the grass was someone's left crank arm.  The guy wasn't there and neither was his bike.  After a couple more turns we caught up to him carrying his bike to the pits to switch out to his spare bike.  Now, that's dedication to just leave the crank arm there.  Also poor bike maintenance.  

One of the best things about cross is Kenny Labbe on the microphone.  He gives blow-by-blow action and you can hear him all over the course getting updates as you race.  After the first lap he gave me a callout.  Actually said my name like 3 times as I was rolling through the S curves.  In the video you have to listen closely around minute 8-9. Between Kenny and also Fran, George and Bob shouting encouragements I was feeling the love.

So the story of the day was me falling.  One time the Boa on my right show came undone.  Took me multiple turns to get it locked in and cranked tight because I didn't want to lose time.  Luckily the lower Boa was still snug and the shoe was fairly secure.

On the back side of the course I had slipped out on the off camber every time the first 4 laps.  I actually nailed it the last lap (very relative term).  The guy behind me complemented me as he knew I sucked.  It was even his second race of the day.  He had done the 55+ race right before mine (15th) and I'm not sure how much he cared about this race.  He was fairly happy to sit behind me I think.  But coming into the last few U turns I still felt his pressure and over cooked it (see the first paragraph).  He passed me and asked if I was ok as he did it LOL.  I remounted and tried to catch up.  I was pretty sure I was going to out sprint him easily if I was in front of him based on previous laps but now I was behind.  Bryan Connelly was standing at the last corner and yelling at me to GOGOGO.  As I said I got my HR up to 182 screaming up the hill but lost by half a wheel (No photo but in my brain that's what it was).  Stupid!

One of these days maybe I'll figure out this turning thing (

Thanks for reading.  Maybe you'll try cross one of these days.

Full Race video:





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